Why A Scrum Master is Becoming An Increasing Part of Product Development Team in Organizations

Incidentally a new term (or role), a scrum master is someone who acts as the facilitator for the team and the product owner, ensuring streamlined flow of the work and communication, ensuring successful project completion.

A scrum master does not have the authority to manage or committing to work on the team’s behalf, subsequently meaning that the scrum master works as servant leader.

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Role of a Scrum Master

A scrum master’s role becomes all the more important as he is the one entitled to act as the bridge between the team and the product owner. The scrum master dons various roles, including:

  • Keep the team members focused on assigned tasks and project objectives, whilst protecting their interests.
  • Maximizing the work productivity by assisting the product owner in maintenance of release plan and backlog.
  • Remove any disablement that is causing obstruction in team’s goals and pursuits of project fulfillment.
  • Ensuring team room for developers who are not assembled.
  • Setting us physical task board for team members to let them know what each other is doing.
  • Alleviating any outside interruption and interference.
  • Ensure constant development of scrum practices in a nimble scrum team.
  • Warrant that the work process remains healthy, efficient with smooth progress.

In order to achieve maximum success, scrum master should be proficient in below mentioned skills:

  1. Efficient Servant Leader

As the buffer between the product owner and the team members, his ability as servant leaders should be incorporated with a willingness to garner team member’s respect and go extra mile to get the job done.

  1. Socially Effective

The scrum master should be a persuasive communicator, being able to have an understanding relationship with each team member.

  1. Facilitative in all Aspects

He should be able to lead influentially and exhibit value-add moralities to team members.

  1. Full of Energy

He should be dynamic and readily enthusiastic, high-energy all the time, at all levels.

  1. Aware and Assertive

He should be fully updated with noticeable differences and issues and must be ive to ensure all the principles and concepts are adhered to.

A scrum master is someone who is highly significant in a scrum team, and therefore needs to hone his skills through a quality and comprehensive scrum master training to become highly competent and professional, along with relative experience.

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