5 essential web design rules every designer should follow

There is a significant difference between the outcome of a good web design and poor web design. Well-designed website tends to have a higher page visit, high conversions, low bounce rates and enhanced consumer engagement. Whereas, a poorly designed tends to show a negative response in all these metrics.

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Below, we discuss the 5 most important web design principles:

  1. Type Design

A website is all about the typography, fundamentally. An optimized website should adhere to the central rules of typeface, developing a perfect text design:

  • Use Sans Serif font for headlines, which is easy to read and supported by all browsers and; make them bold.
  • Use Serif typeface, like Arial and Verdana for body texts.
  • Ideally, the font size should be large for easy reading; use 16px at minimum.
  • Streamline your text with 50-60 character lines.
  1. Content Layout – Defining Business Purpose

Each product is designed and developed according to the objective. A well-designed website satisfies the requirements of the user. Each and every webpage should, specifically, fit the theme of the business and purpose. Do not place your content randomly. Use sections, boxes, and columns with proper breathing room and margins, which lead to better looking and easy-to-grasp content.

  1. Navigation

A good navigation increases the chance of higher rate of customer engagement and low bounce rates. Give your site a structured navigation, to enable the user to understand and move around the site easily. You should incorporate logical page hierarchy, including bread crumbs. A must-have is to include ‘3-click’ rule, meaning the user should find the required information within 3 clicks.

  1. Images

Web is pixel based, so choose the right size, high quality images which have clear depiction. If not produced by you, use images from third party sources, but choose only which meets the theme of the subject. Images and videos bring a lot of credibility for your communication purpose.

  1. Responsive

Use the advanced version of your script language, optimizing the images and codes to decrease the load times. Develop sites which are responsive in nature, meaning friendly and accessible on all platforms including desktop, laptop, mobile and tablet.

Understanding high-end web design layout is fundamental in today’s digital age, which needs to be incorporated by the designer when undergoing web designing course. The web designer should hone these skills, learning all the concepts with an advanced web designing training.

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