Google Cloud – Why, How to use it

GCP provides different machine families with predefined amounts of RAM and CPUs. There are some ways you can optimize the cost of running your applications in GCP. It allows you to create your custom machine with the amount of RAM and CPUs you need. Perceptible VM’s you can use perceptible virtual machines to save up to 80% of your costs.

Google Cloud is the optional first Quest for the Google Cloud learner. You can come in with little about cloud knowledge and come out with practical experience which you can apply to your first Google Cloud project. Google Cloud is a prime introduction to the platform’s basic features. It makes it easy to experiment and use the resources you need economically. There are some ways you can optimize the cost of running your applications in GCP Training. It provides different machine families with predefined amounts of RAM and CPUs.

  • It offers the best price-performance ratio for a variety of workloads.
  • It is ideal for memory-intensive workloads and offer more memory per core than other machine types.
  • It offers the highest performance per core and is optimized for compute-intensive workloads
  •  It is a cost-effective method for running small applications.

It allows you to create your custom machine with the amount of RAM and CPUs you need. Perceptible VM’s you can use perceptible virtual machines to save up to 80% of your costs.

These are ideal for fault-tolerant, non-critical applications. You can save the progress of your job in a persistent disk using a shut-down script to continue where you left off.

Google may stop your instances at any time (with a 30-second warning) and will always stop them after 24 hours.

To reduce the chances of getting your VMs shut down, Google recommends: Using many small instances and running your jobs during off-peak times. Indeed, there are two options to define these scripts: When you are creating your instance in the Google Console, there is a field to paste your code and using the metadata server URL to point your instance to a script stored in Google Cloud Platform. This latter is preferred because it is easier to create many instances and to manage the script. However, it is important to observe that permissions are not directly assigned to users if they are bundled into the roles assigned to members.



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