How to Apply for the CBAP Certification Exam: 5 Steps

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  • CBAP® Certification Exam is difficult; it requires a deep level of preparation.
  • CBAP® (Certified Business Analysis Professional) training and certification is appropriate for you if you have in-depth experience in business analysis.
  • You can start your CBAP certification journey by following the steps below.

What is CBAP Certification Exam?

CBAP® (Certified Business Analysis Professional™) Certification is the level three professional certification given by the IIBA®. The applicants for the certification exam have to meet certain eligibility requirements, including passing a rigorous exam. CBAP® (Certified Business Analysis Professional) training and certification is appropriate for you if you have in-depth experience in business analysis. It will help them in understanding the recommended solutions and business requirements on the basis of the size and industry of the organization to derive increased returns. You can start your CBAP certification journey by following the steps below.

Understand the requirements given in the CBAP Handbook

Read CBAP Handbook to understand the requirements; it will provide a thorough explanation of the set of experiences you need to carry.

  • 35 hours of Professional Development Training
  • 7,500 hours of BA work experience aligned with the BABOK® Guide in the last 10 years
  • 900 hours in each of 4 of the 6 Knowledge Areas

Note down your work experience

Note down your work experience including the project name, description, and hours worked on each project. Align the tasks you have performed in the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK®). Also, you are suggested to determine the total number of hours you have worked on each project.

Determine eligibility hours spent

The determination of eligibility hours is another qualifying factor for CBAP certification training. IIBA insists that you should have experience in 4 out of the 6 knowledge areas. Plus, you need to ensure that you have spent a minimum of 900 hours performing the tasks in those knowledge areas.

Find the average hours you have worked for a project

We request you develop a mechanism for allocating the percentage of hours you have worked on a project. It is a necessary step for appearing for this examination.

Sum up the hours you have worked 

Another thing is to find whether you have worked 7500 hours or not. Add the hours from each project and check whether your experience is equal to or more than the 7500-hour checkbox needed to qualify for the CBAP®.


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