Top 5 job positions for the AI professionals

Admin | Top 5 job positions for the AI professionals | 557
Key Points 
  • With the rapid movement of the technology world, the AI professionals are getting job offers with 20 to 50% enhanced salaries.
  • As an artificial intelligence engineer, you can work as Robotic Engineer, Data Engineer, Business Intelligence Developer, Machine Learning Engineer, and AI Research Scientist.
  • Earning AI certification is a safe and sustainable way to lead an ever-growing career.
Top 5 job positions for the AI professionals   AI is the technology which develops intelligent software and systems based on the performance of human mind. As this technology enables machines to learn through experience, these systems can think, learn, decide, and solve a problem as the human does. Here is a myth that the robots are replacing humans and the professional world is worried about it. This technology is now creating millions of jobs. AI professionals are high in demand. With the rapid movement of the technology world, these professionals are getting job offers with 20 to 50% enhanced salaries. Starting from self-driving cars to robots serving food in restaurants, artificial intelligence is gradually covering our day-to-day lives.   Robotic Engineer   Robotic science is used in diverse sectors, including healthcare, space exploration, security, and other scientific fields. Robots can create jobs, but they won’t work without the programmers. To become a robotic engineer, you need to know how to build mechanical devices or robots that can perform tasks with given human commands. You will get extra advantage if you have writing, prototype development, and computer program manipulation skills. As a robotic science professional, you are likely to get a salary up to $85,000.   Business Intelligence Developer   The primary job of a business developer is to analyze complex data for effectively dealing with current business scenarios and changing market trends. They help their organizations with better work efficiency and increasing the profitability. After earning this course, you will turn into a master of strong technical and analytical skills. Your communication and problem-solving skills will develop. As a BI developer, you can expect a salary up to $90,000.   Data Engineer   As the world is turning data-centric, data engineers are growing high in demand. They collect, analyze, and interpret large amounts of data with the use of machine learning and predictive analytics. Certified data professionals have expertise in using Big Data platforms and tools, including Hive, Spark, Hadoop, Pig, and MapReduce. Programming languages, such as Python, Scala, SQL, and Perl are the other side of their expertise. In general, the certified professionals get an average salary of $110,000.   Machine Learning Engineer   ML engineers are backed by strong software skills. Known as one of the most sought-after jobs in AI, these engineers are ideal to work with predictive models, deal with software development process, efficiently handle agile practices, and utilize natural language processing while working with massive data sets. To join as an ML engineer, you are supposed to hold a master's or doctoral degree in mathematics or computer science. You should have working knowledge of modern programming languages like Java, Python, and Scala. As per Glassdoor, the average salary of any ML engineer is $121,106.   AI Research Scientist   Research scientists are experts in computational statistics, machine learning, applied mathematics, and other artificial intelligence disciplines. If you are certified, you will be a master of the areas like reinforcement learning, deep learning, computer perception, graphical models, natural language processing, and data representation, reinforcement learning, graphical models, computer perception, natural language processing, and data representation. However, you can expect an average salary up to $85,000 after the successful completion of this course.   About the Author: Rajib Kar, an experienced IT professional, is a technical content developer at Multisoft Systems. He loves to write about the recent developments, career benefits, and future trends of corporate courses.  

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