React (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux)

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  • Instructor-led Online Training
  • Project Based Learning
  • Certified & Experienced Trainers
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Lifetime e-Learning Access
  • 24x7 After Training Support

React (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) Course Overview

Join Multisoft System's React course and learn from global subject matter experts. Master Hooks, React Router, and Redux, and earn a globally recognized certificate upon completion. Take the first step towards becoming a proficient React developer. Enroll now and accelerate your career in the tech industry.

This React course is designed for JavaScript developers who want to learn how to build modern web applications using React. The course covers React's core features, as well as popular tools and libraries like Hooks, React Router, and Redux. Students will learn how to create components, manage state, and handle events, and then progress to more advanced topics like using Hooks to manage state and create reusable logic, using React Router for navigation, and using Redux for state management. The course includes building several small applications, giving students practical experience and a solid understanding of React and its ecosystem.

In Multisoft Systems, candidates get one-on-one and corporate training by global subject matter experts of React - (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) course. In React - (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) course, a team of professionals guide candidates to gain hands-on experience through real-world assignments and projects which will help candidates to advance their skills. With an industry-based curriculum, Multisoft Systems delivers project-driven corporate training. Once candidates enroll for themselves for Multisoft Systems’s React - (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) course then will be getting lifetime access to the online learning environment, digital course materials, round-the-clock after-training support, and video recordings, and once the complete the course successfully candidates will earn globally recognized certificate.

React - (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) Course Objective
  • Understand the basics of React, including creating components, managing state, and handling events.
  • Learn how to use Hooks to manage state and create reusable logic.
  • Understand how to use React Router to handle navigation between pages in a single-page application.
  • Learn how to use Redux, a state management library that can be used in conjunction with React to manage complex application states.
  • Set up a Redux store, define actions and reducers, and use the store to manage application states.
  • Build several small applications to reinforce learning, including a simple to-do list app and a more complex e-commerce store.
  • Gain a solid understanding of React and its ecosystem, as well as practical experience building real-world web applications.
  • Enhance React skills and build robust, modern web applications.
React - (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) Online Training
  • Recorded Videos After Training
  • Digital Learning Material
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • 24x7 After Training Support
Target Audience
  • Developers who want to learn how to manage complex application states using Redux in conjunction with React.
React - (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) Course Prerequisites
  • Multisoft Systems provides a training certification after successful completion of React - (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) course.
React - (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) Course Certification

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React (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) Course Content

Chapter 1: Getting Started

  • Introduction
  • What is React?
  • Real-World SPAs React Web Apps
  • Writing our First React Code
  • Why Should we Choose React?
  • React Alternatives
  • Understanding Single Page Applications and Multi Page Applications
  • Course Outline

Chapter 2: Refreshing Next Generation JavaScript

  • Module Introduction
  • Understanding "let" and "const"
  • Arrow Functions
  • Exports and Imports
  • Understanding Classes
  • Classes, Properties and Methods
  • The Spread Rest Operator
  • Destructuring
  • Reference and Primitive Types Refresher
  • Refreshing Array Functions
  • Wrap Up

Chapter 3: Understanding the Base Features Syntax

  • Module Introduction
  • The Build Workflow
  • Using Create React App
  • Understanding the Folder Structure
  • Understanding Component Basics
  • Understanding JSX
  • JSX Restrictions
  • Creating a Functional Component
  • Working with Components Re-Using Them
  • Outputting Dynamic Content
  • Working with Props
  • Understanding the Children Property
  • Understanding Using State
  • Handling Events with Methods
  • Manipulating the State
  • Using the useState() Hook for State Manipulation
  • Stateless vs Stateful Components
  • Passing Method References between Components
  • Adding Two Way Binding
  • Adding Styling with Stylesheets
  • Working with Inline Styles

Chapter 4: Working with Lists and Conditionals

  • Module Introduction
  • Rendering Content Conditionally
  • Handling Dynamic Content "The JavaScript Way"
  • Outputting Lists (Intro)
  • Outputting Lists
  • Lists State
  • Updating State Immutably
  • Lists Keys
  • Flexible Lists

Chapter 5: Styling React Components Elements

  • Module Introduction
  • Outlining the Problem Set
  • Setting Styles Dynamically
  • Setting Class Names Dynamically
  • Adding and Using Radium
  • Using Radium for Media Queries
  • Introducing Styled Components
  • More on Styled Components
  • Styled Components Dynamic Styles
  • Working with CSS Modules
  • CSS Modules Media Queries

Chapter 6: Debugging React Apps

  • Module Introduction
  • Understanding Error Messages
  • Finding Logical Errors by using Dev Tools Sourcemaps
  • Working with the React Developer Tools
  • Using Error Boundaries (React 16+)

Chapter 7: Diving Deeper into Components React Internals

  • Module Introduction
  • A Better Project Structure
  • Splitting an App into Components
  • Comparing Stateless and Stateful Components
  • Class-based vs Functional Components
  • class Component Lifecycle Overview
  • Component Creation Lifecycle in Action
  • Component Updating Lifecycle (for props Changes)
  • Component Updating Lifecycle (for state Changes)
  • Using useEffect() in Functional Components
  • Controlling the useEffect() Behavior
  • Cleaning up with Lifecycle Hooks useEffect()
  • Cleanup Work with useEffect() - Ex
  • Using shouldComponentUpdate for Optimization
  • Optimizing Functional Components with React.memo()
  • When should you optimize?
  • PureComponents instead of shouldComponentUpdate
  • How React Updates the DOM
  • Rendering Adjacent JSX Elements
  • Using React.Fragment
  • Higher Order Components (HOC) - Introduction
  • Another Form of HOCs
  • Passing Unknown Props
  • Setting State Correctly
  • Using PropTypes
  • Using Refs
  • Refs with React Hooks
  • Understanding Prop Chain Problems
  • Using the Context API
  • contextType useContext()

Chapter 8: A Real App: The Burger Builder (Basic Version)

  • Module Introduction
  • Planning an App in React - Core Steps
  • Planning our App - Layout and Component Tree
  • Planning the State
  • Setting up the Project
  • Creating a Layout Component
  • Starting Implementation of the Burger Builder Container
  • Adding a Dynamic Ingredient Component
  • Adding Prop Type Validation
  • Starting the Burger Component
  • Outputting Burger Ingredients Dynamically
  • Calculating the Ingredient Sum Dynamically
  • Adding the Build Control Component
  • Outputting Multiple Build Controls
  • Connecting State to Build Controls
  • Removing Ingredients Safely
  • Displaying and Updating the Burger Price
  • Adding the Order Button
  • Creating the Order Summary Modal
  • Showing Hiding the Modal (with Animation!)
  • Implementing the Backdrop Component
  • Adding a Custom Button Component
  • Implementing the Button Component
  • Adding the Price to the Order Summary
  • Adding a Toolbar
  • Using a Logo in our Application
  • Adding Reusable Navigation Items
  • Creating a Responsive Sidedrawer
  • Working on Responsive Adjustments
  • More about Responsive Adjustments
  • Reusing the Backdrop
  • Adding a Sidedrawer Toggle Button
  • Adding a Hamburger Icon
  • Improving the App: Introduction
  • Prop Type Validation
  • Improving Performance
  • Using Component Lifecycle Methods
  • Changing the Folder Structure

Chapter 9: Reaching out to the Web (Http / Ajax)

  • Module Introduction
  • Understanding Http Requests in React
  • Understanding our Project and Introducing Axios
  • Creating Http Request to GET Data
  • Rendering Fetched Data to the Screen
  • Transforming Data
  • Making a Post Selectable
  • Fetching Data on Update (without Creating Infinite Loops)
  • POSTing Data to the Server
  • Sending a DELETE Request
  • Fixing a Bug
  • Handling Errors Locally
  • Adding Interceptors to Execute Code Globally
  • Setting a Default Global Configuration for Axios
  • Creating and Using Axios Instances

Chapter 10: Burger Builder Project: Accessing a Server

  • Module Introduction
  • Creating the Firebase Project
  • Creating the Axios Instance
  • Sending a POST Request
  • Displaying a Spinner while Sending a Request
  • Handling Errors
  • Retrieving Data from the Backend
  • Removing Old Interceptors

Chapter 11 : Multi-Page-Feeling in a Single-Page-App: Routing

  • Module Introduction
  • Routing and SPAs
  • Setting up Links
  • Setting Up the Router Package
  • Preparing the Project for Routing
  • Setting Up and Rendering Routes
  • Rendering Components for Routes
  • Switching Between Pages
  • Using Links to Switch Pages
  • Using Routing-Related Props
  • The "withRouter" HOC Route Props
  • Absolute vs Relative Paths
  • Styling the Active Route
  • Passing Route Parameters
  • Extracting Route Parameters
  • Using Switch to Load a Single Route
  • Navigating Programmatically
  • Additional Information Regarding Active Links
  • Understanding Nested Routes
  • Creating Dynamic Nested Routes
  • Redirecting Requests
  • Conditional Redirects
  • Using the History Prop to Redirect (Replace)
  • Working with Guards
  • Handling the 404 Case (Unknown Routes)
  • Loading Routes Lazily
  • Lazy Loading with React Suspense (16.6)
  • Routing and Server Deployment

Chapter 12: Adding Routing to our Burger Project

  • Module Introduction
  • Building the Checkout Container
  • Setting Up Routing Routes
  • Navigating to the Checkout Page
  • Navigating Back To Next Page
  • Passing Ingredients via Query Params
  • Navigating to the Contact Data Component
  • Order Submission Passing Data between Pages
  • Adding an Orders Page
  • Implementing Navigation Links
  • Fetching Orders
  • Outputting the Orders

Chapter 13 : Forms and Form Validation

  • Module Introduction
  • Analyzing the App
  • Creating a Custom Dynamic Input Component
  • Setting Up a JS Config for the Form
  • Dynamically Create Inputs based on JS Config
  • Adding a Dropdown Component
  • Handling User Input
  • Handling Form Submission
  • Adding Custom Form Validation
  • Fixing a Common Validation Gotcha
  • Adding Validation Feedback
  • Improving Visual Feedback
  • Handling Overall Form Validity

Chapter 14: Redux

  • Module Introduction
  • Understanding State
  • The Complexity of Managing State
  • Understanding the Redux Flow
  • Setting Up Reducer and Store
  • Dispatching Actions
  • Adding Subscriptions
  • Connecting React to Redux
  • Connecting the Store to React
  • Dispatching Actions from within the Component
  • Assignment 4: Time to Practice – Dispatching actions
  • [OPTIONAL] Dispatching Actions Assignment Solution
  • Passing and Retrieving Data with Action
  • Switch-Case in the Reducer
  • Updating State Immutably
  • Updating Arrays Immutably
  • Outsourcing Action Types
  • Combining Multiple Reducers
  • Understanding State Types

Chapter 15: Adding Redux to our Project

  • Module Introduction
  • Installing Redux and React Redux
  • Basic Redux Setup
  • Finishing the Reducer for Ingredients
  • Connecting the Burger Builder Container to our Store
  • Working on the Total Price Calculation
  • Redux UI State
  • Adjusting Checkout and Contact Data

Chapter 16: Redux Advanced

  • Module Introduction
  • Adding Middleware
  • Using the Redux Devtools
  • Executing Asynchronous Code: Introduction
  • Introducing Action Creators
  • Action Creators Async Code
  • Handling Asynchronous Code
  • Restructuring Actions
  • Where to Put Data Transforming Logic?
  • Using Action Creators and Get State
  • Using Utility Functions
  • A Leaner Switch Case Statement
  • An Alternative Folder Structure
  • Diving Much Deeper

Chapter 17: Redux Advanced: Burger Project

  • Module Introduction
  • Installing the Redux Devtools
  • Preparing the Folder Structure
  • Creating Action Creators
  • Executing Asynchronous Code
  • Fetching Ingredients Asynchronously
  • Initializing Ingredients in the BurgerBuilder
  • Changing the Order of our Ingredients Manually
  • Adding Order Actions
  • Connecting Contact Data Container Actions
  • The Order Reducer
  • Working on Order Actions
  • Redirect to Improve UX
  • Combining Reducers
  • Handling Purchases Updating the UI
  • Resetting the Price after Purchases
  • Fetching Orders (via Redux)
  • Checking our Implemented Functionalities
  • Refactoring Reducers
  • Refactoring Reducers Continued

Chapter 18: Adding Authentication to our Burger Project

  • Module Introduction
  • Understanding Authentication in Single Page Applications
  • Required App Adjustments
  • Adding an Auth Form
  • Adding Actions
  • Getting a Token from the Backend
  • Adding Sign-In
  • Storing the Token
  • Adding a Spinner
  • Logging Users Out
  • Accessing Protected Resources
  • Updating the UI Depending on Auth State
  • Adding a Logout Link
  • Forwarding Unauthenticated Users
  • Redirecting the User to the Checkout Page
  • Persistent Auth State with localStorage
  • Fixing Connect + Routing Errors
  • Ensuring App Security
  • Guarding Routes
  • Displaying User Specific Orders

Chapter 19: Improving our Burger Project

  • Module Introduction
  • Fixing the Redirect to the Frontpage
  • Using updateObject in the Entire App
  • Sharing the Validation Method
  • Using Environment Variables
  • Removing console.log()s
  • Adding Lazy Loading

Chapter 20 : Testing

  • Module Introduction
  • What is Testing?
  • Required Testing Tools
  • What To Test?
  • Writing our First Test
  • Testing Components Continued
  • Jest and Enzyme Documentations
  • Testing Components Correctly
  • Testing Containers
  • How to Test Redux

Chapter 21: Deploying the App to the Web

  • Module Introduction
  • Deployment Steps
  • Building the Project
  • Example: Deploying on Firebase

Chapter 22: Bonus: Working with Webpack

  • Module Introduction
  • Introducing Webpack
  • How Webpack works
  • Basic Workflow Requirements
  • Project npm Setup
  • Creating a Basic Folder File Structure
  • Creating the Basic React Application
  • Installing Production Dependencies
  • Setting Up the Basic Webpack Config
  • Adding File Rules Babel
  • Loading CSS Files
  • Loading Images Injecting into HTML Page
  • Production Workflow Wrap Up

Chapter 23: Bonus: Next.js

  • Module Introduction
  • Understanding Server Side Rendering
  • Setting up a Project
  • Understanding the Basics
  • Next.js Components Pages
  • Styling our App in Next.js
  • Handling (404) Errors
  • A Special Lifecyle Hook
  • Deploying our App

Chapter 24: Bonus: Animations in React Apps

  • Module Introduction
  • Preparing the Demo Project
  • Using CSS Transitions
  • Using CSS Animations
  • CSS Transition Animations Limitations
  • Using ReactTransitionGroup
  • Using the Transition Component
  • Wrapping the Transition Component
  • Animation Timings
  • Transition Events
  • The CSSTransition Component
  • Customizing CSS Classnames
  • Animating Lists
  • Alternative Animation Packages

Chapter 25: Bonus: A Brief Introduction to Redux Saga

  • Module Introduction
  • Installing Redux Saga
  • Creating our First Saga
  • Hooking the Saga Up (to the Store and Actions)
  • Moving Logic from the Action Creator to a Saga
  • Moving More Logic Into Sagas
  • Handling Authentication with a Saga
  • Handling Auto-Sign-In with a Saga
  • Moving the BurgerBuilder Side Effects into a Saga
  • Moving the Orders Side Effects into Sagas
  • Why Sagas can be Helpful
  • Diving Deeper into Sagas

Chapter 26: React Hooks

  • Introduction
  • What are "React Hooks"?
  • The Starting Project
  • Getting Started with useState()
  • More on useState() State Updating
  • Array Destructuring
  • Multiple States
  • Rules of Hooks
  • Passing State Data Across Components
  • Sending Http Requests
  • useEffect() Loading Data
  • Understanding useEffect() Dependencies
  • More on useEffect()
  • What's useCallback()?
  • Working with Refs useRef()
  • Cleaning Up with useEffect()
  • Deleting Ingredients
  • Loading Errors State Batching
  • Understanding useReducer()
  • Using useReducer() for the Http State
  • Working with useContext()
  • Performance Optimizations with useMemo()
  • Getting Started with Custom Hooks
  • Sharing Data Between Custom Hooks Components
  • Using the Custom Hook

Chapter 27: Using Hooks in the Burger Builder

  • Introduction
  • Converting
  • Routing with React.lazy()
  • Converting the Layout Component
  • Converting withErrorHandler HOC
  • Adjusting the Order Checkout Containers
  • Add Hooks to ContactData
  • Converting the BurgerBuilder Container
  • Adjusting Auth Logout Components
  • Using React.memo() More!
  • Adding a Custom Error Handling Hook
  • Setting the right useEffect() Dependencies
  • Working with useSelector() and useDispatch()

Chapter 28: Bonus: Replacing Redux with React Hooks

  • Module Introduction
  • Starting Project Why You Would Replace Redux
  • Alternative: Using the Context API
  • Toggling Favorites with the Context API
  • Context API Summary (and why NOT to use it instead of Redux)
  • Getting Started with a Custom Hook as a Store
  • Finishing the Store Hook
  • Creating a Concrete Store
  • Using the Custom Store
  • Custom Hook Store Summary
  • Optimizing the Custom Hook Store

Chapter 29: Bonus: Building the Burger CSS

  • Building the Burger CSS Code


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React - (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) Training (MCQ) Assessment

This assessment tests understanding of course content through MCQ and short answers, analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication of ideas. Some Multisoft Assessment Features :

  • User-friendly interface for easy navigation
  • Secure login and authentication measures to protect data
  • Automated scoring and grading to save time
  • Time limits and countdown timers to manage duration.
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React - (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) Corporate Training

Employee training and development programs are essential to the success of businesses worldwide. With our best-in-class corporate trainings you can enhance employee productivity and increase efficiency of your organization. Created by global subject matter experts, we offer highest quality content that are tailored to match your company’s learning goals and budget.

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Certification Training Achievements: Recognizing Professional Expertise

Multisoft Systems is the “one-top learning platform” for everyone. Get trained with certified industry experts and receive a globally-recognized training certificate. Some Multisoft Training Certificate Features :

  • Globally recognized certificate
  • Course ID & Course Name
  • Certificate with Date of Issuance
  • Name and Digital Signature of the Awardee
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React (incl. Hooks, React Router and Redux) FAQ's

To enroll in the React course that covers Hooks, React Router, and Redux, visit the website or online learning platform offering the course. Follow the registration process and pay the course fee, if applicable. Once enrolled, you will have access to the course materials and can start learning.

The certificate for completing the React course that covers Hooks, React Router, and Redux will be provided by the website or online learning platform offering the course. Upon completion, candidates can typically download or print their certificates directly from the platform. Some platforms may also offer a digital certificate that can be shared on professional networking sites like LinkedIn.

The React course that covers Hooks, React Router, and Redux may be offered in different modes of learning, including self-paced online courses, one-on-one coaching, classroom-based instruction, project-based learning, and corporate training. The availability of different modes of learning may vary depending on the provider or platform offering the course.

Multisoft Systems is dedicated to providing the best possible post-training support to every graduate of the React course that covers Hooks, React Router and Redux. We offer our candidates lifetime access to our online learning environment, digital course materials, and 24/7 support to ensure their success. Additionally, registered participants have access to video recordings of the training. Upon program completion, participants receive a widely recognized certificate. Our staff is always available to assist with any questions or concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

A fast-track training program is an intensive learning experience that covers the same material as a traditional training program but in a shorter amount of time. This type of program is designed for individuals who want to gain knowledge and skills quickly or for companies that need to train employees efficiently. The program may involve longer hours, condensed coursework, or a combination of both.

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